So I got my hair did the other day, a trim and a dye job. It's such a refreshing feeling walking out of the hair salon. You feel like a new person. A slightly brighter, better version of your former drab self. Well that's how I feel anyway. I was thinking about this as I was going through my closet. I have...

Who hasn't heard or seen of the Sewaholic Renfrew? Well if you haven't pull yourself out from under that rock because this is one sweeet pattern! Friday I woke up got all ready for work and realized we had freezing rain. Just as I was about to get on Facebook to see if anyone posted about road conditions (gotta love facebook for that)...

I love going to thrift stores. Sometimes I find gems, sometimes I find turds. But even a turd can be polished into a sparkling gem! All you need is an imagination, a clothes pin and a sewing machine. Quick projects for me are making over thrift store turds. This one here was a little challenging because it was about 5 times too big....

So I was strolling through JoAnn Fabrics the other day on my lunch hour trying my best to avoid the fabric section. Let's not kid here I didn't try really hard at it. I always have to visit the clearance section and my no buy rule has pretty much went out the window. So I came across what I thought at first glance...

Recently I was given a couple of blog awards by the lovely Cari @ Cari Homemaker Deserves a Cocktail. Thank you so much!! It's a good feeling to know that others are out there reading along. *blushing* Make sure to go take a look at the leopard print skirt Cari just made. It has a very retro vibe going on that I just...

One of my goals this year was to get rid of my ginormous pile of fabric scraps I've been accumulating. I hate throwing anything away so if I think I can somehow recycle it later I'm keeping it. I have a huge Mood Fabrics bag in my closet spilling over with a year's worth of fabric scraps. Thought I'd share real quickly one...

Happy New Year everyone! Hope these first 6 days have been good to you so far. I've started out the new year with a new sewing room, so-so skirt and a ridonkulous goal (more on that later). I finished the Colette Beignet this evening, or actually last night since it's technically Sunday @ 2am now. What can I say I'm a a night...