NSM Challenge Week 1: Colette Macaron

Sunday, September 09, 2012

I didn't get to bed until 2:30 am.  There would be no sleep for me until she was complete.  My first week challenge in honor of National Sewing Month is complete and she's "purrfect".

I'm in love with this dress! The fit is awesome and it's so comfy.  I'm so in love with it I went to bed and had dreams of it the whole night.  Woke up bright and early at 7am because I couldn't wait to get it on again.  It wasn't always a love affair though.  At first I thought the Macaron was just "eh".  I didn't even vote for it in the Sew Colette 2.0 sew along, my choice was the Iris shorts.  After reading numerous blogs and seeing so many cute versions I decided to give it my all and I'm so glad I did.

I'm gonna spare you the muslin dramatics.  No need in boring everyone, besides this post would be 10 pages long.  To sum it up I made 5 muslins of the bodice and 1 full muslin.  I found the Macaron very easy to put together, my issues were my own fitting woes, besides with 6 muslins under my belt I should be able to put this dress together with my eyes closed.  I asked for quite a bit of help and I want to thank everyone who responded to my emails and helped me out, including Ms Colette herself, Sarai Mitnick .  My final cut was as follows:  Size 0 for the yoke. I had quite a bit of excess fabric in the back yoke causing a bubble effect.  I shortened the back yoke by 1 inch.  I also shortened the front yoke by 1/2 inch.  The rest of the pieces I cut a size 4.  So this was all fine and dandy until I went to attach my bodice pieces together...my seams were not lining up because of the fact I cut one inch of the back and only 1/2 inch off the front.   I adjusted my bust darts by 1/2 inch to accomodate.  This worked rather well and because of it I got a nicer fit.

My favorites of this dress are the pockets, sleeves and the pleats...ok the whole thing is a huge score in my book.

My invisible zipper is not perfect but I need lots of practice.  Being the perfectionist I am it really bothers me that my side seam doesn't match up perfectly.  But I'm going ignore that nagging voice in my head and refrain from ripping it out and re doing it.  Besides it's not that noticeable.  The nice thing about side zips are your arms cover them up. No one will ever notice (so shut the hell up nagging voice!). 

I finished up a couple of my seams with bias tape.  However I ended up running out of tape and time so I pinked the rest of the seams.  

Oh and we mustn't forget to talk about the fabric!!  For the contrasting pieces I found a vintage kitty print on Etsy.  I spotted it in Pumpkin Truck's shop and had to have it all!  It's a medium weight woven cotton with the cutest silhouettes of cats.  The main bodice and skirt are a navy blue lightweight corduroy from Joann's.  Perfect for Fall.   So with Fall in mind should I pair this dress with some boots and tights? Colors?? Black, blue...  I always draw a blank when it comes to coordinating dresses with shoes and tights.

my makeshift back drop looks like a tablecloth..just trying to cover up the mirror behind me

Make sure to take a look at all the other Macaron's on the Sew Colette flickr group.  So many cute versions and talented sewists!!  I always love joining in on sew alongs, it's a chance to see others talents and always fun to see how they make it their own.

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  1. I love it. Great job on getting the fit perfect.

  2. So damn cute. Like the way you were excited i the morning to get back to it. Gorgeous dress.

    1. Thank you!! I wore it around the house half the day!

  3. I loooooovvvvvvvveeeeeee it! You look so cute

  4. This is my favorite Macaron ever. So totally cute.

  5. All the muslins were worth it. You have one of the best fitting Macarons I've seen! Great work! You have a lovely dress there.

    1. I'm so impatient I rarely do a muslin. I'm gonna start doing them from now on!

  6. Wow looks amazing, I love the gorgeous little kitty print too. xx

  7. Cute dress! Email me your mailing address at soisewedthis@gmail.com and I'll send you those 3 patterns you liked. Let me know if you want any other patterns to make it an even swap. I'd like the fabric you posted. Thanks!

    1. I just did. Let me know if you don't get it, maybe I typed the wrong email address.

  8. Wow, this dress really works! I'm not even that crazy about the Macaron, but you make it look awesome!

    1. Thanks! I wasn't that crazy about it either at first.

  9. This is one of my favorite versions of this dress! I love the kitty print! You did a great job!

    1. Thanks! I keep thinking, Am I too old for this print?? but in the end I don't care if I am or not! lol

  10. This is so cute! I love the fabric, and it fits you perfectly! Great job, dood!

  11. Your dress is so wonderfull und fit is perfect! WOW!
    my version was a disaster:-(

  12. Ooo I LOVE!!! So cute looks gorgeous on you!!! Looks so well made as well.

  13. This is the third Macaron I've commented on this morning and I'm on like, fantastic dress overload. lol! KITTIES!!! Best.Fabric.Ever. ha! All those muslins paid off because it fits great. I have that weird problem with the back bubble and you're a better seamstress than I because I just told myself to stand up straight. ha! Oh, I'm obsessed with tights so I would say you could go black, brown, navy or red or even some crazy color like mustard but sometimes I don't make the best choices color wise so maybe don't take my advice...:P

    1. I was thinking about mustard color tights too!! If you look hard enough there are mustard colored kitties sporatically througout the print! perfect!

  14. Gah! That kitty print is to die for! Soo so pretty! Looks like all your hard work really paid off!

  15. girl! I love this dress! I saw you over on Rochelle's blog and I had to come over and say hi. Seriously, cat print? That is awesome!

    1. Thank you!! I wondered if cat print was too young for me but in the end I really didn't care. Too cute to pass up!

  16. Oh my god cute! :D I love it and I'm so impressed by your persistence, it really paid off big time! WELL DONE! D

    1. Thank you!! I have now learned muslins are very good!

  17. I LOVE your Macaron - such great colours! I'm hoping to make one in the next few months :)

    1. Thank you! I want to make another, and another and another...

  18. Love the fabric, the piping, the color combination, AND that it's corduroy! great job!

  19. Such a very attractive dress on you, Shanni! I admire your creative and clever use of contrasting fabric and trim. You will be a gorgeous standout when you wear this wherever you go! :-)

  20. The fit is perfect. Nice going. it's a super cute dress!
