The Ready~to~Wear Fast of 2014 and Vito got some new shoes!

Friday, December 13, 2013

So if you follow Goodbye Valentino I'm sure you've seen her invitation to join in on the Ready~to~Wear Fast of 2014.  That means no store bought clothes for a whole year people!! (underwear, shoes and socks permitted) I was all in as this is something I've contemplated for a long while.  Before I started sewing I was a shopaholic.  Fast fashion was like a drug to me.  Totally addicted my lunch hours were spent buying cheap clothes that I really didn't need.  Once I started sewing some 2 years and 6 months ago I really started looking at what I was buying and at what cost.  I didn't stop buying RTW completely though.  Like a drug addict I had to ween myself off and still suffer from withdrawal every now and then so sue me.  Since I've started sewing one thing people ask a lot is, "Is sewing your own clothing cheaper?"  And a lot of people assume that it is indeed way cheaper.  I mean why would you waste your time sewing the Lady Skater when you can just go buy it at Forever 21 for $8.00?  Why not save yourself the time and frustration.  I mean there has to be some sort of payoff, so making you own clothing must equal out to pennies right?!   First off the major payoff for me is the satisfaction I get realizing I made something with my own two hands and by golly it fits and looks great! Sure there is some frustration that might go along with it but that's a part of the process.  Working through those frustrations (like fit and the secret love affair I have with my seam ripper) is what's really rewarding. (Bonus points for using fabric I found on clearance for $3.00 a yard.)  No matter what it cost me $3/yd to $10/yd, sweat, tears, hair loss... in the end it was a learning experience and I enjoyed making it AND to be honest I'm really freaking pleased with myself about it too.   We too should also realize not all RTW is Forever 21 prices.  If your looking at THIS Skater dress for $248, well then hell yes sewing my own is cheaper, and I'm definitely gonna get a lot of satisfaction outta that! 
Besides cost there are lots of other pros and cons we could discuss on the topic of RTW vs Handmade but I don't want to travel down that road right now because I have some other things to share.  Instead I want to know..   Why do you sew? Do you sew to save money or simply because you enjoy it? What are some of the pros and cons you see with RTW and handmade?  Will you be joining in on the RTW Fast of 2014?   Please share! 

I Shannon Jordan,  solemnly swear to buy NO ready to wear clothing in 2014 (with the exception of shoes and underwear and I do feel I should allow for some thrifting for refashoning purposes). 
Wow I felt myself breaking out into a cold sweat as I typed that.  I desperately want to go on a shopping binge this weekend.

On with the other things I wanted to share.  I haven't sewn any clothing since the FM competition.  I've sort of taken a break from clothing and have been keeping busy with alterations and Christmas gifts.  Last night I made Vito a pair of snow booties.  Here in Indiana the temperature is frigid and there is snow on the ground (and according to the forecast more snow and ice to come, boo!)  Watching poor Vito trying to find a spot to relieve himself makes me feel bad for him.  By the time he's done his poor little paws are so cold they are numb and he's walking on them like he's got glue stuck to them or something.  Quite a sight!  So I stopped at Joann Fabric on my way home from work last night and picked up some fleece from the remnants bin and followed this tutorial from  The result was not pleasing to Vito as you will see in the video below.  They were a pain to get on his feet. He didn't want to cooperate and I realized I'm going to have to wake 20 minutes earlier in the morning to have time to take him out before work if I want him to wear these ridiculous contraptions.  Once he got outside in them he just stood frozen like a statue.  So I don't know if these were a total waste of time or not.  I'm sure it will take him some time to get used to them and it sure makes for a good laugh watching him walk in them so not a total waste.  Enjoy the video. (not the greatest quality, it was taken with my iphone).

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  1. Hey Shanni! Well done you! I look forward to seeing how you get on over the year. I sew because I enjoy it and I like making something that only I have. The more I sew, the more I become interested in garment construction, so I want to learn more and more. I still buy clothes, but I try to buy better quality and to stick to things I can't make - jeans or knitwear, for instance. Plus, being pregnant, I know I will buy more over the next wee while, due to time and energy constraints. But I'm comfortable with that. Replacing RTW is not my reason for sewing, but I do admire those for whom it is.

  2. "Why, mother, why?" Oh, Vito, you goof! I should make some for my dudes-- between the ice, snow, and rock salt that people throw on the sidewalks, winter is really hard on little puggie paws!

    Good luck with the RTW fast! I'm not sure if I'm signing up (I don't really shop, but I sort of hate rules and restrictions) but I'm interested to hear about your experiences!

  3. I gave up new clothes for 2013 (with one exception, a bridesmaid's dress). I allowed myself to thrift but honestly I think I only bought a few things. How's this for encouragement: once you get through the withdrawl period, it will be SO easy not to buy RTW. At least it is for me! Not only do you realize you can probably make whatever you need, your idea of "need" will change as well. I have 10-12 pairs of jeans that all fit, do I really need any more? Know what I mean?

  4. Awww, poor Vito! He's so cute!

    I am probably going to sign up too. I did the Seamless Pledge last year, and it was so rewarding. I took this year "off," and did buy a few things. But for next year I want that extra little bit of motivation to continue honing my skills to get a fabulous, handmade wardrobe.

  5. I sew because I enjoy it and because I like to make unique clothing that fits just right. Good luck in 2014. Love the Vito video--so cute :) He'll get used to them.

  6. Sweet pup! I'm joining in the rtw fast. Haven't bought much over the past couple of years, but will be good to push my sewing skills. Also planning to try underwear! I sew because i love it, and to get a good fit.

  7. Your dog is ridiculously cute!!! I can't get over it :)

    I am also joining in, although i am breaking out in a sweat too and have not even sent in a photo yet and am trying to start a blog to keep myself from cheating :) I recently started sewing again. I have not been sewing much since I had kids, but recently started again now that they are older and discovered the great sewing blogs and craftsty classes. I have become obsessed! Having so much fun, but having a hard time finding time so I figure if I have to find time I will. Kind of scary since I have a Gala in Manhattan to attend and at least one black tie event as well as several cocktail parties. I'm not even sure if any of my bathing suits fit because I lost 30 pounds. I'm in trouble ;) Maybe we can count a bathing suit as lingerie? :)

    Anyway...I started sewing again because I remembered how much I loved it and I was always dreaming about sewing something and just wasn't doing it. Your great sewing blogs have been a great help to get my skill back up to a level that they need to be for me to hang something in my closet :) I have several that I follow religiously. I found yours recently and you have been added to that list ;)

  8. You have such a cute dog! I'm joining in with the fast too. I didn't do it this year because I didn't think I stood a chance of actually managing not to buy anything, but I think I could now. Don't get wrong, I am terrified - I tend to go and buy clothes when I'm feeling bad so its not going to be easy, but I'm mor excited than nervous about it.

  9. I'm in! I have actually been trying not to buy any RTW for the last year, I fell off the wagon a couple of times but, maybe if I find I'm not the only one trying to do this, it will be easier. I sew because I enjoy making clothing that fits just as good if not better than you can find at the lower end retail stores. I really like getting compliments about something I made and people are surprised to hear its homemade and not store bought. BTW Vito is adorable in his new boots, I feel so bad for dogs that have to go out in the cold to do their business, so glad my dogs are both liter box trained, makes it so much easier.

  10. Oh my gosh, I can't even stand it Vito is so cute! He'll get used to them I'm sure and they really are necessary for his wittle paws.
    I sew for a variety of reasons, the main one being a pastimetime to occupy my mind in a positive way and of.course the satisfaction of the always practical end result. I am supposed to be participating in the 2014 purchasing fast as well. I'm gping to have to find out what I need to do in sign up and take part.

  11. I didn't buy anything new (besides underwear and socks) for 2013. It worked out really well. My sewing is getting a lot better and I realized that I don't need as much clothing as I thought I did; I just need to mix and match what I already have better. Also, there is this level of stress and anxiety that I no longer get when I walk into a mall. I no longer feel like I *have* to buy something and it's so freeing.

  12. Oh Vito! His little head tilts were killing me, so cute!! Hope he gets used to them quickly!

  13. Hmm, I hadn't heard of this challenge but it definitely intrigues me. I don't think I could do it, because I expect to need to buy some office-appropriate clothes in 2014 and I have no desire to sew black dress slacks or white button-ups when I could buy them easily! I guess my reasoning behind sewing is to have the ability to actually have the clothes that I invent in my head which don't seem to exist in stores--that's the aspect I love the most!

  14. Yes I totally see what you mean! I have about 15 pairs of jeans right now. You know the ones that get the most wear?? The one pair I made!!

  15. Good luck with your fast! We can cheer each other along in 2014!

  16. I want to try underwear too. I've been saving up all my old t-shirts to transform them into undies.

  17. Well thank you! I'm glad you find my blog helpful! I made a bathing suit over the summer and trust me when I say it's really not that bad at all. I used the Bombshell swimsuit pattern put out by Closet Case Files. It's a retro style and really flattering. I love it and it was a lot of fun to make. Not as stressful as I first thought it would be.

  18. Oh I'm an emotional shopper too! I guess we'll have to substitute fabric for clothes when we are feeling bad!!

  19. I always enjoy the looks on people's faces when they ask, "Where'd you get that?" and you say "I made it!!" :)

  20. oh I know what you mean. Black slacks are no fun! Luckily I've got plenty so I'm hoping those will get me through the year.

  21. I'm sure by the time he does, the snow will be gone. lol!

  22. Hoping this will improve my sewing skills as well. I really want to focus on my fit issues!

  23. If you just visit Goodybe Valentino's blog post I think you can just email her and tell her your in. That's what I did anyways. We can be each other's cheerleaders!!!

  24. hmm to sew or not to sew? I was raised by seamtresses. My mother made almost all of my clothes way back when. Occasionally she would buy me something special to go with an outfit. She made a suit for my Dad. My great aunt made her living owning her own house and decor with alterations and sewing. I get warm fuzzies in a fabric store. After you sew for many many years it becomes "life". Can I make it? Yes. Will time allow? Maybe. Is it cheaper? Of course! Always! I've taught my daughter sewing; now she does the same thing.... "it's that much?" "no way ,you know what I can make that for and it will fit well!". I love how sewing has taken on and most are running with it. However just like dieting I've learned not to make promises to myself because like a diet they may not be fulfilled. My daughter may need a new outfit, or costume, my husband maybe a shirt, my family a quilt, and I have a few children that want something. Too many projects to complete too little daylight! :) Wish I could, but will be cheering you all on! Good luck ladies!

  25. I just started following your blog. No RTW is a tough goal. Good luck! I don't think I could do that for time reasons, but when I'm choosing what to sew, I tend to pick garments where fit matters more and that typically cost more (ex: dresses or blouses over t-shirts etc).

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