Liebster Blog Award!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wow I've been given an award!! How cool is that?!?  I've seen this award on a couple other blogs and was super excited when I seen Janelle @ Emmaline Bags had given me this award.  Thank you so much Janelle!  Make sure you stop by and check out her blog. She has tutorials for handbag making, handbag patterns as well as her own handbag shop.  Super talented!!

Not sure who started this award but the idea is to give attention to up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers.  What a great idea!  If you are given this award here's what you need to do:
                                     ~ Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog
                                     ~ Choose 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers and pass it on
                                     ~ Display the Liebster Award somewhere on your blog 

I am giving this award to:

Cynthia @ Dapper Duds , I stalk her blog regularly!
She makes the cutest dresses and I'm always super excited to see what she comes up with next.

Johanna @ Making It Well , nice to relate to a newbie like myself. I had never heard of a croquis until I started reading her blog.

Stephanie @ The Petite Sewist , another talented young lady. I mean she made a swimsuit for pete's sake!

Christy @ mystitchnbitch another one who makes super cute dresses!! I'm in love with the Cynthia Rowley dress she made using a peacock pattern fabric. I have developed an obsession with peacock feathers!  

I just think sewing blogs are the greatest!  Sometimes it's hard for me to pull myself away from the computer to get started on my own projects.  I sort of live vicariously through everyone else.

Make sure to stop by these blogs that I enjoy so much and show them some love!
Tell em Shanni sent ya!

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  1. Thank you very much for an award! I must confess I'm a little unsure of putting awards on my blog, lol. I'm not confident like that, haha.

    1. I feel you there. I'm always so hard on myself and unsure. But I think you do good work and deserve it!

  2. Glad you are having fun with it! Janelle

  3. Thank you Shannon for the sweet award! I love these posts because it makes it so easy to find new blogs to read :)

  4. Wow I feel so honored and flattered! I have never received an award before, and for doing a hobby that I love- what could be better than that? Thank you so much Shannon, I love all your projects and you totally deserve the liebster too! You rock !! :)
