Good Intentions...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

While everyone else is pretty much doing their year in review posts or goals for 2015 I'm going to do my own little spin on the subject.  I'm notorious (as I'm sure a lot of you out there are too) for making resolutions or goals for myself and just kinda forgetting about them midway through the year.  Instead of taking a look back at what I did do I want to take a look back at what I said I would do and didn't.  My goal here is to not beat myself up but to reflect on why I didn't accomplish what I set out to and decide if it's something I want to continue to pursue.   I've spent the morning looking back at my posts from the year and have found a handful of goals I talked about and failed to follow through with.  I'm embarrassed to say a few of the posts I don't even remember writing...*buries head in a mound of fabric*

The first goal I set for myself was joining Sarah's ready to wear fast.  I knew this was going to be a stretch for me going into it.  I LOVE to shop.  Not buying clothes (only underwear) for a whole year?? I felt the withdrawal sweats forming at just the thought of it.  I pondered it for some time and while the thought of saving money was a positive one it was more of the opportunity to improve upon my sewing skills that pushed me over the edge.  I joined the fast and I made it 6 whole months people.  I blame my Florida vacation for falling off the wagon and of course time...lack of time should just be a given.  Weeks were spent thinking about the clothing I was going to sew for my vacation and as time flew by and the departure date grew near I had managed to sew up only a bikini and a couple pair of shorts for the trip.  Time won this round as it quickly ticked out and I still needed tops and a few more bottoms to fill the gaps.  Long story short, I shopped and I shopped well.  I don't feel bad about it at all.  Shopping is something I enjoy so why am I taking away that joy?  Back to the thought of saving money.  I get asked quite a bit or shall I say told, "You make your own clothes? I bet you really save the money!"  Uh tell that to the UPS man delivering a box of fabric almost once a week.  We should know each other on a first name basis.  And let's not forget we need to also factor in our time, like the saying goes, "time is money".  So no, no I did not save any money on my fast.  I do believe I improved upon my skills and addressed some of my fitting issues.  But the main thing I realized...I want to sew on my own terms.  What and when I want to. It should be for fun, not because I have too.  I already have the have to part, a full time job.  Sewing a pair of black trousers for work because I need boring! Just takes all the fun out of it for me.  I would have more fun shopping for those black trousers and sewing up a plaid skirt instead.  So will I be furthering my RTW fast? No.

Because I was on this RTW fast and faced a year of sewing my own clothes I decided to follow along in Sarai's Wardrobe Architect series in the hopes of finding my style and building the "pefect" wardrobe based upon that.  To accomplish this I set myself some more goals, *sigh*.  This was the post I actually forgot about writing.

GOAL #1:  DEFINE MY STYLE.   I still can't define my style.  It's all over the place.  I know what I like and that should be good enough.
GOAL #2:  FIND MY TNT PATTERNS.  The intent here, find tried and true patterns for tops, dresses, bottoms, etc.  Patterns that I can reach for over and over and adapt for work and play.  The first post was all about tops.  You can read about it here.  I totally intended to revisit each of these posts and follow up so let's consider this my follow up...

Basic Knit Top: Sewaholic Renfrew

Ding, ding, ding we have a winner!  I put the Renfrew up against the Plantain tee and the Renfrew won.  I just prefer the fit of the Renfrew over the more relaxed fit of the Plantain.  I've made a couple of "play" Renfrews and blogged about one of those, here.  I've improved upon the fit since then and have made a version for "work" to be blogged about soon.

I also talked about finding TNTs for a basic woven top and a basic tank.  Please refer back to my original post if you want to see the picture collage put together for the two.  The Grainline Scout is a contender for the woven top.  I have made it a couple of times and the fit needs some tweaking.  I do hope to get those tweaks worked out because I think this is a great wardrobe basic with lots of styling options.  As far as the basic tank, I haven't even thought about it since the post.


Before completing those categories I got ahead of myself and posted about the patterns I'd like to work on for possible TNT dresses.  Read about it here if you'd like.  I have found a winner for the knit dress category, The Lady Skater.  I'm still working on the wrap dress and sheath dress categories.

That's where we end with my TNT challenge.  Obviously I still have some work ahead of me for the already discussed categories but we have those that I haven't even talked about yet, skirts and bottoms!  I'm not entirely sure why I didn't follow through with this challenge as it's a good one.  Something new and shinier probably stepped in the way as it does.
Will I be furthering my TNT challenge? Yes. 

A rather big goal I set for myself this year was opening an Etsy shop.  I've always thought having my own little online shop selling handmade items would be fun.  I didn't really consider how much time would be involved in making it successful.  I started out listing handmade earrings.  That didn't really take off quite as well as I had hoped.  The current state of my shop is under construction.  I don't want to give up on it yet.  I'm still working on new ideas and have hope that I can make it a fun and successful little side hobby.
Will I be furthering my Esty shop? Hopefully.

There is always bound to be some fun mini sewing challenge that pops up sometime during the year in the sewing community.  This year I took part in the Fall Essential Sewalong. The goal here was to get a boost on my Fall wardrobe.  I wrote a rather lengthy post of my intentions.  Read about it here.  I will just say that I didn't accomplish half of what I wanted to.  I tend to go a little overboard at times and think I can sew ALL the things ALL at once.
Will I be furthering my FESA goals? I think that ship has done sailed..No.

I did accomplish quite a bit this year and don't want to overlook what I did do.  I ended the year with 32 completed projects ranging from clothing, accessories, home decor and jewelry.  Take a look at the My Makes link if you'd like to see some of these makes.  My most memorable make was from the Rambo Project simply because Vito makes that whole post. I mean really.


I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating the arrival of a fresh new start. I will be bringing in the new year holed up in my sewing room with an ice cold Budweiser in one hand and the seam ripper in the other.   ;)

Happy New Year to you!  Thank you for all the support you've shown me.  You are all truly amazing and I'm thankful for each one of you.   

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  1. I love how honest you are! I had forgotten about your TNT challenge but I think it's a good one, and worth another try.

    Meanwhile, I have "jeans" on my goal list for at least the second year running...

  2. In the end you did what was best for you ! keep riding on the positives.. cannot wait for what you will come up this year

  3. Im thankful to see how you are just moving on from things instead of feeling you need to finish what you started. Im working on building core wardrobe pieces and realizing that if I actually want to wear them in season, I have to stop working on winter and move on to spring pieces now. Its hard to interrupt a flow, but it better to get on the right track instead.

  4. I enjoyed your honest appraisal post as I've enjoyed your blog through the year. I finally have accepted that I'm a "mood" sewer. While I get caught up in various exciting sew-alongs, I usually just sew what I'm in the mood to sew. I'm still looking at my 2012 goals to decide if they apply to 2015. Happy New Year!

  5. Oh, Vito... that was a fun post! I think you had a great year- you set tons of goals, but your sewing has come such a long way this year and you've made some really awesome stuff!

  6. Helen // Grosgrain GreenJanuary 1, 2015 at 4:11 PM

    Great post! It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking you can sew all the things. I can totally relate! And like you, I struggle to define "my style". I know what I like. Looking forward to you continuing with your TNT series!!!

  7. I love this post Shanni! Back in May I had the same epiphany about sewing staples like black pants and just basically wanting to sew what I want, when I want! I guess I still feel this way and this is probably one of the only goals I kept! LOL Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts! Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

  8. Good luck in 2014, you made a lot of lovely things last year (feels so weird saying that)! I know I personally have been reflecting on sewing/shopping too. I love vintage clothes and started to sew as a way to fill in items I'd never be able to find, although that's morphed over the years and I succumbed to that sewing blogger feeling of "must make everything". Nope. I actually expect I might sew a bit *less* this year while I work on balancing my wardrobe a bit. :) Happy New Year!!

  9. Happy New Year Shanni!! I totally get setting goals and then not following through. I do that all the time, so I really enjoyed this post. I have discovered that I do better sewing on my own terms too. As soon as I join a sew-along, or a stash bust or a challenge, I rebel! It's silly, but it's true. I still think you accomplished a ton of stuff this year, and I am looking forward to what you do in 2015!

  10. You can do it! Looking forward to seeing those!

  11. I really need to start on spring now as well. It's hard to do so though when it's 20 degrees out!

  12. Mood sewer, that's a good one! me too!

  13. it's a hard trap to get out of for sure!

  14. Thank you! Yep I'd rather sew the fun stuff!!

  15. Happy New Year to you as well! Sewing a bit less sounds like a good plan to follow. I need to pick up those knitting needles I bought and teach myself to knit!!

  16. Doing what I want in 2015, no goals. Feels good waahooo! lol

  17. It's nice to have goals but I know what you mean about forgetting them months later. I'm impressed that you sewed 32 items! I'd like to have more of a "me made" wardrobe but I'm a long ways from that. But I have reduced my RTW purchases and I avoid fast fashion. Happy Sewing and Happy New Year!

  18. I definitely had some "oops, I totally forgot I even said I'd do that" kind of goals last year too haha! Oh well. It happens. The important thing is you learned something from each of your goals, whether they were completed or not, and now you have a better direction for 2015 :) Plus, that photo of Vito = winning life so hard.

  19. Happy Sewing and New Year to you as well!

  20. I crack up every time I look at that pic of Vito. He's so clueless. LOL!
