Completed: A Kelly Skirt that any cat can love

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Several weeks ago I forced myself to sit down and sew a basic solid color skirt. Solid pieces are rare in these parts which can be challenging when putting outfits together. I bought a solid navy blue  fabric from Fabric Mart and used the Megan Nielsen Kelly Skirt pattern. I'm not sure how I feel about the skirt but my cat Orlando seemed to be enamored with it...


Megan Nielsen Kelly Skirt

 A high waisted A line skirt with pockets!  Button placket and front and back pleats. 
Great for beginners.

Pattern:   Available here in pdf -$12.00 and paper (currently out of print)
Fabric:    This pattern works well with a variety of woven fabrics.  I used a navy blue suiting from 
                 Fabric Mart.
Notions:  7 buttons.  Mine are a deep gold with a vintage feel purchased from none other than 
                 Jo-Ann's.  Lightweight interface, which now that I'm thinking of it I might of forgot that
                 part. Doh!


Sizing & Fitting:  I kinda sorta made this skirt before when I refashioned and old skirt picked up at Goodwill so I was fairly positive about the fit and didn't make a muslin.  I cut a straight size XS.  It fits nicely around the waist with a little room to spare for shirt tucking and french fry eating.  Nothing worse then the feeling you get when you realize you can't eat that last bite of food for fear of popping buttons.


Construction:  It's been a while since I made this and since then my brain has turned to mush.  However I do remember I breezed through construction.  I think it's a great pattern for beginners.  I got to use the buttonhole function on my new Bernina for the first time.  If your wondering Fannie's her name, cuz she's a fat bottomed girl that makes my rockin' world go round. 
The fabric leaves my skirt a little full or balloonie at the bottom.  I washed it three times to try and soften it up.  I still couldn't help but feel like I had a balloon stuffed under my skirt so I took in each side a half inch starting at the bottom of the pockets.  Sorry I have no after pictures.  And I know, it looks ok in these pictures. It was worse in real life (or just in my head) however I like the after adjustment much better.  


Orlando seems to have taking a liking to my legs.  He wouldn't leave me alone the entire photo shoot. I love that cat to pieces.  I styled the skirt with a couple different belts.  My husband likes the wider one better.  I'm leaning more towards the skinny belt.  I think I'll probably get the most wear out of this skirt in the winter when I can pair it with tights, boots and a cozy cardi.


Look Orlando a mouse!


Nice try lady, now get yo' crazy ass out of those bushes and come feed me.


While I'm over here sewing up boring old navy blue skirts that probably won't get wear until winter I bet your all sewing up fun, breezie sundresses.  Do tell!!  What are you working on?

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  1. This is honestly a beautiful basic, one of my favourite things to see and sew. Just lovely! I totally want one! Though I do have a navy hollyburn. I so have to try Kelly soon!

  2. This is a perfect basic!!! I made a Chardon out of a similar dark denim fabric and it is one of my most worn skirts :) Can't beat dark blue and pockets!!!

  3. You should! I just love skirts with front button plackets!

  4. The Chardon is such a cute pattern! I def need more skirts in my life.

  5. I really love when guys come to our door and ask if they can hunt on our property. HAHA nope, *slams door* :)>

  6. I've seen a couple of bustier versions out there. You should try it!

  7. This looks super cute on you! I really, really like it! I made this pattern for my sister, but not for myself yet. I should make one! I need to make a sundress or two- it's been so hot the last few days!

  8. Ugh it has been sooo hot! I said I wasn't gonna complain though cuz we had such a cold winter but dang!

  9. Cute outfit, cute hair. cute skirt! I had a recent traumatic experience with my Pfaff's auto buttonhole foot and now every time I hear the word "button" I wince lol! ...I think a Kelly would look excellent with snaps instead, don't you think? Haha! ;) ;)

  10. It's a super cute basic skirt that goes with just about anything! I just love your green top, too! Orlando is so cute! My kitty Snowball likes to follow me around when I'm taking pictures, but she's usually running around in the background or climbing rocks and trees. Also, how do you like disqus? I've been thinking for a while about adding it to my blog, but then occasionally I hear bad things about it. I personally love commenting on it and love blogs that have it.

  11. Great skirt! Glad to see you blogged about it. I thinks cats instinctively know what surface will showcase their fur!!

  12. Given that it's winter here I'm trying to get myself to sew up a heap of merino.
    Love the skirt and it reminds me that I'd love a skirt just ilke this. I'm with you in preferring the skinny belt

  13. Well I've had Disqus for awhile and liked it but I was having problems with it loading on my computer so I tried out IntenseDebate. Had major problems with that platform so I went back to Disqus. Since reloading it, it has worked great. Maybe that's all it needed. I really like it and prefer it over anything else. Other than it not loading on my computer in the past I've not had any other problems with it.

  14. I can't wait to wear this skirt in the winter with tights....well yeah I can. lol!
